viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

rain threaten

I was such a happy person 'til it started getting mild, rainy, cold and misty.

Stupid Seasonal Affective Disorder. But the lovers of the so-called londonweather may be enojoying it. Rain is so overrated. Despite the fact it provides with the perfect atmosphere for good readings, good songs and a excuse for eating chocolate i don't completely understand why people makes so much noise about it.

Few minutes ago, while I was at my "i-don't-understand-anything-teacher class" i recalled my oldest blog, the first "los-illuminados". I used to love rain and cold, so what happened then? I guess that staying 12 hours in a 0°C weather with no proper shoes no proper clothes made me think more about it. I left that blog coz of the job. So stupid job too.

Currently listening: Raiders on the storm---just to go with the weather

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